Trout in the Classroom Episode 1 "Year One of the Program"
- from Wendy Steiner
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- Carlynton High School
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The 2017-2018 school year marks the beginning of a partnership between Carlynton High School and the PA Fish and Boat Commission as we participate in the "Trout in the Classroom Program".
According to the website "Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (TIC) is an interdisciplinary program in which students in grades 3-12 learn about coldwater conservation while raising brook trout from eggs to fingerlings in a classroom aquarium. During the year each teacher tailors the program to fit his or her curricular needs. Therefore, each program is unique. TIC has applications in environment and ecology, science, mathematics, social studies, language and fine arts, and physical education. All classrooms end the year by releasing their trout into a state-approved waterway.
Pennsylvania's statewide TIC program is made possible through a unique partnership between Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). This partnership provides curriculum resources, workshops for teachers and program partners, technical support, brook trout eggs and food, and grants."
This project is being led by Biology teachers Maureen Berlingeri and Kimberly Glasspool. A Donor's Choose page was set up to secure funding for the chiller and other materials to set up our tank. Now, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our brook trout eggs. Stay tuned for more updates as we go through this year.