delaware valley
- 7 posts
DV Drama Heads to the Races!
Chrissy Nagrowski, Delaware Valley High School
On Monday, September 11th, the new crew for DV Drama came in the auditorium with positive smiles across their faces. Marc Valentine, the club's director, lead the meeting. Discussing events, the new show (Peter Pan!), fund-raising, and the new of...
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DV HOSA Kicks Off!!
Chrissy Nagrowski, Delaware Valley High School
DV Student Sweeps Animation Awards
Mary M, Delaware Valley High School
Remembering celebrities the world lost in 2016
Mackenzie B, Delaware Valley High School
Success achieved at District 10 Chorus Festival
Bryanna R, Delaware Valley High School
Winter Boots
Mackenzie B, Delaware Valley High School
Milford Pa Hosts the Black Bear Film festival
Tamara Eshleman, Delaware Valley High School