DV Drama Heads to the Races!
- from Chrissy Nagrowski
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- Delaware Valley High School
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On Monday, September 11th, the new crew for DV Drama came in the auditorium with positive smiles across their faces. Marc Valentine, the club's director, lead the meeting. Discussing events, the new show (Peter Pan!), fund-raising, and the new officers. The new cabinet of officers include: Jason Block and Chrissy Nagrowski (Seniors), President, Emily Jacobus (Junior), Vice President, Brooke Greening (Sophomore), Secretary, John Babbitts (Sophomore), Treasurer, Sophie Cunningham (Senior), Mascot. The club will be holding all kinds of workshops and classes (free of charge!), starting October 2nd. The auditions will take place the first weekend in January 2018!!! Go Peter Pan!!