Freedom High School
- 238 posts
People Left Smitten over Black Panther Movie for 2018
Nia Campbell, Freedom High School
Black Panther comes to theaters in 2018 Anticipation is high for the new Marvel film Nia Campbell, Journalism Student Marvel is notorious for their superhero-themed comics and movies with all of the famous characters. Spiderman...
Does pressure overwhelm young athletes?
Carson Swick, Freedom High School
A dog is a man's best friend
Juliana Maffea, Freedom High School
A helping hand around Freedom
Mrs. Karla Erdman, Freedom High School
Trump takes aim at “Rocket Man”
Carson Swick, Freedom High School
The new school psychologist looks forward to helping students
Carson Swick, Freedom High School
Preparing your skin for the winter months
Juliana Maffea, Freedom High School
I.T. Department blocks Wi-Fi on students’ devices
Carson Swick, Freedom High School
What Makes and Breaks a Summer Concert
Mrs. Karla Erdman, Freedom High School