Saint John Vianney High School
- 214 posts
How To Survive Finals
Bridget K. , Saint John Vianney H.S.
Let’s face it, finals stink. Whether it be for high school or college, we all have to take those super long and annoying tests at the end of the semester for each class. We can’t escape them and our teachers will not show us mercy, so how can you...
Inauguration Rock
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
The World of Sports Technology
Alexis S. , Saint John Vianney H.S.
The Twelve Days After Christmas!
Christina M., Saint John Vianney H.S.
SJVHS Student Wins Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Award
Abby A., Saint John Vianney H.S.
Historic Last Dive at SeaWorld San Diego
Alexis S. , Saint John Vianney H.S.
New Years Traditions Around the World
Kelly G., Saint John Vianney H.S.
Finals are Finally Here!
Ashlyn C. , Saint John Vianney H.S.
Lancers Talk "Christmas Special"
Justin Johnson, Saint John Vianney H.S.