Finals are Finally Here!
- from Ashlyn C.
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- Saint John Vianney H.S.
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Get ready Lancers, it’s that time of year again and finals are right around the corner. Every year, we come back from Christmas break and are hit with the realization that we are only two weeks away from exams. Yikes. As a senior, I don’t have to take finals this year, but since I feel so bad for the rest of you, I’ve compiled a few tips to get you through this.
First, get your sleep schedule together ASAP. After break, it takes a while to get back into the swing of school again, and adding studying to the mix makes sleep extra important. Getting your sleep regulated now will leave you more refreshed and able to retain and store as much knowledge as possible. I recommend using the sleep setting on the iPhone alarm and timer app. It will tell you exactly what time you need to go bed in order to get the proper amount of sleep, and it will even give you a reminder 15 minutes before that time.
Next, you have to prioritize your exams. Ask yourself what subjects you struggle with and which exams can really affect your GPA. If you have a solid A in a class, you should spend less time focusing on that material and budget extra time to another where your grade needs more help. In some cases, an A on a final will not raise your grade by much, so focus less on that subject since there is little to benefit from it. Instead, dedicate the time you would’ve spent to another class in hopes of raising your grade.
You should also mix up what topics you study everyday so you don’t get too bored. I suggest doing a subject a day for the first week and then bulk up by doing a little bit of each subject every day in the week leading up. This way, you won’t get as bored studying.
When it comes to actually learning the material, I suggest making your own study guide if one is not provided by outlining important topics and ideas. Even if your teacher does supply one, I found that rewriting and outlining the big ideas has helped me retain information in the past. This technique is especially useful when there are essays on the test. Having your thoughts and ideas already sorted on paper will ease stress and save you time on the day of the exam. Speaking of format, if you know your test has a lot of vocab, will be your savior.
Finally, reward yourself along the way. Allowing 15 minutes on social media in between 30 minute study periods (set a timer), or eating a piece of your favorite candy every time you read a page will make it all less miserable.
The most important thing to remember is to relax. Keep in mind that the final only accounts for 30% of your grade, so if you applied yourself all semester, you will not walk away with a failing grade. Also, keep in mind that one final grade will not wreck your GPA, so just focus, relax, and ace those finals.