- 266 posts
Dead People You Should Know: Amelia Earhart
Bethany Zuchowski, Wellsboro Area High School
Amelia Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 in Atchison, Kansas. She grew up with her younger sister. Amelia would run and climb trees, which was not usual behavior for girls of her time. Sh...
Dead Person You Should Know: Amy Winehouse
Alicia L., Harry S. Truman High School
From Juniata High School to Juniata College: “The Commitment”
Jeremiah Parson, Juniata High School
Binge-Worthy Netflix Series
Madison Rheam , Juniata High School
Movie Review: Hidden Figures
Matthew Trotman , Juniata High School
The Crazy Chicken Lady: Part Two
Krissy Saner, Juniata High School
Top 5 College Stresses and How to Handle Them
Yajaira Perez, Juniata High School
Malala Rules!
Team Fusfoo, Fusfoo
Miss Mummah in 90 Seconds
Emily Bonson, Juniata High School