Mineola High School Homecoming Plans for 2020
- from Isabella Gaglione
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- Mineola High School
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Usually this time of year, Mineola Mustangs, current and alum, start gearing up to support the varsity football team as they ring in the new school year with the first home game of the season. While we won’t get to celebrate with the typical parade and game this fall, Mineola High School Administration is determined to commemorate the occasion.
On Friday, October 2nd, students voted for the homecoming court. While the initial plan was to hold a modified parade, gathering restrictions do not allow that at this time.
Mustangs can look forward to a hopeful homecoming event that will coincide with this year’s delayed football season. Principal Dr. Whittney Smith stated, “It is our goal to provide our students with as many opportunities as we are safely able to while abiding with all the new rules that we have to follow as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The 2020-2021 Mineola High School Homecoming Court is as follows
Class of 2021 Queen and King: Isabella Gaglione and Ian Timoteo Franza
Class of 2022 Princess: Julia O’Donnell
Class of 2023 Princess: Karleigh Davis
Class of 2024 Princess: Kate Sweeney