High School Football & Politics?
- from Cameron Dantzler
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- Cedar Cliff Sentinel
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Can high school sports and politics ever make a happily ever after ending? I think one day in the future high school sports can compliment politics nicely, and people will be okay with everyone sharing views and opinions. But on the night of Friday, October 11, 2019 this idea took a turn for the worst in New Cumberland, PA. The two teams facing off against each other were the Red Land Patriots and the Susquehanna Township Indians. Red Land was the home team and the student section theme of the night was USA. Red Land’s student section decided to hang a Trump 2020 flag as part of the theme of the night. When posted on the Penn Live Instagram page with no story behind it, comments started flooding in with many different opinions on the picture and the decision of the students. Some comments agreed with the students on being able to support Trump since he is the active president. But then there were negative responses to the picture from people who thought it was inappropriate for high school students to include politics at a high school football game, even if it was a USA theme night.
In my opinion this was not the time for students to display a Trump flag, especially because the opposing team (Susquehanna) is a predominantly black school. This led people to believe that the hanging of the Trump flag was an act of hatred. Since PennLive had no story to add to the picture, we might never know how Red Land wanted the flag to come across.
Friday night football games are supposed to be a fun night where the community can come together to share the game they love with local kids they know. But when people throw politics into the mix, those who were united for one night separate again and no longer enjoy coming to games. It was not a good decision to bring something to a high school football game that could tear others apart. Somebody should have spoke up about it and politely asked to have the flag taken down.
With social media being so prevalent in politics these days and young adults and kids being hypnotized by Internet posts, opinions are often formed by misinformation. Since Donald Trump announced he was running for president, he has been bashed for many wrongdoings. I don’t believe it’s all fair, but now some kids believe Trump does not like any other race other than white. There is so much negativity surrounding him that me, along with other fellow young black men and women, are led to believe he has a hatred for us. This is why I believe there was such a commotion when a mainly white school held up a Trump flag while playing a team that is mainly black. I understand he’s the president, but it automatically becomes a heated political debate when you bring Donald Trump into the conversation. The Red Land kids needed to think a little more before hanging the flag and shouting out who they support. High school football was not made for politics. It was made for young men to have a good time playing a game they love and for others to enjoy a good game with friends and family.