Fight to Win the Battle
- from Ziya Patel
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- Mineola High School
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On Friday, March 1st, Mineola High School had their annual Battle of the Classes. All the students had been preparing for this day for so long and the hard work definitely paid off. From February 25th-March 1st, grades have been competing with each other for points that will contribute to Battle of the Classes. On Monday, the theme was Pajama Day and students wearing pajamas were supposed to get their picture taken and uploaded on Twitter, and the grade with the most would get points. Seniors won on Monday and Tuesday which was Mismatch Day. Wednesday was Tye-Dye theme and the seniors won that as well. However, Thursday was costumes that applied to each grade’s theme and the juniors won that. Speaking of themes, the seniors' theme was Disney, the juniors' theme was science fiction, the sophomores' theme was superheroes, the freshmen theme was spies, and the 8th graders' theme was musicals. Each grade decorated their hallway to match their theme and the seniors got first place for best decorations, followed by the juniors, and freshmen.
All these points contributed to the battle on Friday where the grades competed in various games. The first game was balloon relay in which the students who volunteered to play ran with a balloon in their hand to the other side of the gym and sat in the balloon to pop it and then ran back so the next person to go. The sophomores won that game. The next game was scooter races which the seniors won. After that was the three legged race which the seniors won once again. The seniors won the hula hoop game as well, which involved working together as a team. Following this was basketball, soccer, and tug of war each of which the seniors won. Teachers competed as well and claim to be the winners, but in the end the seniors took the win which means they receive half of the money raised that can go towards senior events such as prom and senior breakfast awards. The bleachers went wild and the seniors cheered for their victory as they won two years in a row. It couldn’t have been better.