Tse'Yi'Gai students use summer school to prep for EOCs
- from Candice Sandoval
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- Tsé Yí Gai High School
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8th-11th grades students are attending summer school from June 12-29th, 2017 to prepare for End of Course exam retakes and also receive credit recovery if needed. Over 40 students showed up for the first day of summer school, which has been the greatest turn out for summer school. Students used their iPads to take online courses in Edgenuity. Courses reflected which exams the students needed to pass towards graduation requirement or to recover credits they failed to earn during the regular school year. Summer school is a great opportunity to help student learn and study for exams, recover credits or even to get a head start on the next school year. Students start classes each morning at 8 am and stay on task until 1:30 pm with subjects in vocabulary, math, science, social studies and english with a half hour lunch. Three teachers on site to provide assistance to the students. Great to see most of the students take advantage of summer school!