- 15 posts
Monty Python Genre Switch
Johnathan Heath, Montour High School
Monty Python as a horror film.Music - Ross Bugden - Music...
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The Bee movie turned to Horror
Ja'mere Brown, Montour High School
Wreck It Ralph
Melanie Sierra, Montour High School
The man I want to be
Cody Cutler, Northern High School
scary movie
Anthony Webb, Sto-Rox High School
The Jr. Class Presents DEADLY ERNEST
Julie Hart, Juniata High School
Movie Magic Ep 14: Alien
Ian Pizzolo, Raritan High School
Movie Magic Ep 13: Fast & Furious
Ian Pizzolo, Raritan High School
Movie Magic Ep 12: Guardians of the Galaxy
Ian Pizzolo, Raritan High School