- 38 posts
Trees Don't Have Ears
Sarah Curtis, Middletown High School North
Thanks for leavingShe whispered to the windAs if it would carry the message to him I’m giving upHe said to the wallAs if it had hands to be there when he’d fall I’ve let them downI whined to a treeAs if a branch would come and comfor...
Watch Now
Sarah Curtis, Middletown High School North
Find Your Balloons
Rachael Domin, Middletown High School North
Rachael Domin, Middletown High School North
Mother Nature
Rachael Domin, Middletown High School North
Beautiful - A Poem
Sophie Jackson, Middletown High School South
I Miss You
Sophia Arena, Middletown High School South
Sophia Arena, Middletown High School South
Hold Fast To Dreams- Langston Hughes
Florence A., Fusfoo