- 144 posts
Did You Know: Vincent van Gogh
Mikaela Ortiz, Academy of Mount St. Ursula
During his lifetime, Vincent van Gogh was not regarded in the same way he is today. While alive, van Gogh had a tough time selling his art. However, after his death, his art began to sell and he became a legend in the art field. Now, van Gogh serves...
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Death Note Doodles
Gina DeMartino, Middletown High School North
Princess Jelly Fish, Jilly Fish
Lili Stromberg, Middletown High School North
South Salem IB Visual Art Students Produce Cookbook
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Tyler Joseph Drawing
Gina DeMartino, Middletown High School North
Jerry Garcia
Kie Perry, Middletown High School South
The Angel of the North
Sophie Jackson, Middletown High School South
hEck yEck
Ceejai Schnoor, Middletown High School South
Zoe Hsu, Middletown High School South