Abby A., Saint John Vianney H.S.
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Hi! My name is Abby and I am a Senior at Saint John Vianney High School. I have loved reading since I could understand the words on a page and writing soon followed in pursuit. I currently write for fun, but hope to one day to pursue a career is writing, editing and/or publishing. My love for writing comes from the desire to share ideas with the world and inspire someone to want to do the same. I am currently a member of the Varsity Basketball team, and I will be continuing by academic and athletic career next year at the Catholic University of America. This is my second year writing for the newspaper and I am so happy to be the Editor-in-Chief!
Abby A., Saint John Vianney H.S.
Abby A., Saint John Vianney H.S.
Abby A., Saint John Vianney H.S.