South Salem High School
- 1867 posts
Saxon Theater Performs Dark Comedy: Reckless
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Reckless by Craig Lucas is a unique and hilarious dark comedy that is put on by a seven person cast with performances on March 7, 8, 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. and March 16 at 2 p.m. in the Rose Auditorium. It is student directed by Hunter Miller ’21...
Anti-Animal Cruelty Club Makes its Debut
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Invest in Our Future: Why all Schools Need Finance Education
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Boys Basketball Takes Home 5th Place Trophy at State
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Spring Sports Weekly Schedule
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Girls Basketball Wins Mountain Valley Conference
Chandler Walker, South Salem High School
South Holds Special Olympics Assembly
Brian Eriksen, South Salem High School
Cereal Podcast
Marek Elikan, All Saints Episcopal School
PODCAST: Tyler History - The Cotton Belt Route
Weston Wharton, All Saints Episcopal School