South Salem High School
- 1867 posts
The Continuing Saga of Colin Kaepernick
Paul C., Saint John Vianney H.S.
Although Colin Kaepernick sat down for the National Anthem to create awareness for justice in today’s society over a year ago, he is still making headlines. Though, this time, he has other athletes publicly supporting him and what he stands for...
Stop Motion II
Wendy Steiner, Carlynton High School
Centereach Homecoming Honorees
N. Parrinello, Centereach High School
Cougar Collaboration Center Opens for Use!
Wendy Steiner, Carlynton High School
Stop That! Students Create Stop Motion Short Films for History of Film Class
Wendy Steiner, Carlynton High School
TechToday: iPhone News (iPhone X)
Mattheau Sharp, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Little Mermaid Teaser
Samantha R, South Salem High School
Eight Saxons Caught in Eagle Creek Fire
Samantha R, South Salem High School
The Trump Administration: A Recap of the Summer
Mackenzie Rolf, South Salem High School