Greater Johnstown Senior High School
- 334 posts
The Impact of Video Games
Charity Rogers, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
People think kids are violent or that they don’t pay much attention to anything because of video games. But are they right? Are video games a bad influence on children? Kids have behaved aggressively before video games. Aggression is a typical resp...
Is gaming dangerous or not?
dominic maines, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Transgender FTM
Alex Washington, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Animals in Captivity
Charity Rogers, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
The History of Art
Charity Rogers, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
A History Project to Help Students
dominic maines, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Alexander Hamilton Play
Charity Rogers, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Post Malone
maria stachura, Greater Johnstown Senior High School
Bohemian Rhapsody : Movie Review
maria stachura, Greater Johnstown Senior High School