Ridgewood High School
- 171 posts
The Future of Cars is a Hands-off Approach
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
Henry Ford’s Model T was the automobile’s first major leap over a century ago. Now, companies like Google and Tesla are rapidly developing what seems to be the car’s next stop: driving itself. Autonomous cars have been around since t...
Are Newspapers Even Still Important?
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
History of Music Festivals
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
The Importance of Ivy Leagues
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
I Am Not a Number: Abandoning Letter Grades
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
Middle School vs. High School: Stress and its Effects
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
Cooking With Kavi: Lemon Biscotti
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
Victory and Vicodin: Prescription Drugs in High School Sports
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School
Celebrating Diversity with Asian Fest
Ridgewood High Times, Ridgewood High School