Ephrata AM 10-1-20
- from Jeremy Bischoff
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- Ephrata High School
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Good Morning Ephrata NAMES today is Thursday October 1, and it's officially spooky season. Please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag.
Attention anyone that missed picture day.
Picture makeup day is Tuesday, Oct 6th starting at noon. If you have not had your picture taken yet this school year, you will want to report to the auditorium starting at noon on Tuesday, Oct 6th. picture forms can be found on the table outside the attendance office.
Sign up to take the ASVAB today! If you are in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and need some help making career decisions, then consider taking the ASVAB. The ASVAB is designed to help you learn more about yourself and the world of work, explore occupational skills in line with your interests and skills, and develop a strategy to realize your career goals. This free assessment is offered at EHS on Tuesday, November 3rd, and there is absolutely no military commitment by taking the test. You can find the sign up link in Schoology as well as on the Counseling webpage.
This announcement is for any student who is interested in learning more about the US Service Academies; you are invited to attend a virtual Service Academy Night which will be hosted by Congressman Lloyd Smucker on Thursday October 15th at 7pm. The presentation will feature three breakout sessions (half hour each) where students and parents can get in depth information about each academy/ROTC/nomination process. Attending a military academy is a great way to pay for your education as well as serve your country as a commissioned officer. You’ll be able to check out options available through the US Service Academies; West Point, Naval, Air Force, Merchant Marine and Coast Guard) and ROTC programs.
Each of the Service Academies offers an incredible FREE college education worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. For more details, check your Schoology Class of group. It is especially important to start this process early – Freshmen and sophomores should attend if they have any interest in one of these post-secondary options. RSVPs are due by October 9th.
In today's news, the rules for the next presidential debate are going to change following Tuesdays mess. They want to make it seem more orderly and not have them just yell back and forth at each other. One new measure could be to cut the microphones if the candidates try to interrupt each other. In the first debate President Trump interrupted Vice President Joe Biden about 73 times, so they are going to try to get that number down. "
Tuesday, girls volleyball won 3-2 at Lebanon. Yesterday, Boys soccer lost 1-0 at LS, Field hockey lost from a golden goal in overtime at Cocalico 4-3, tennis lost 2-3 vs Cocalico and girls soccer tied 0-0 vs LS.
Today in sports, cross country is home vs CV, McCaskey, and Solanco. Volleyball is away at Garden Spot.
Now back to the main desk
The Keystone Virtual College Exploration officially kicks-off this week on Thursday, October 1 at 2:00 p.m. and runs through the beginning of November!
College knowledge panel sessions this week include:
Preparing a Great College Application including the Essay!
Passhe Admissions 101 w/ BU, ESU, & LHU
What Should Students of Color Consider When Applying to PWIs?
Sharing Your Story on the University of California (UC) Application
Communicating STEM Interest in Your Application
Visit www.pacac.org/virtual to view the full schedule of panel sessions and individual information sessions from October 1- November 6. The virtual program is FREE for all students, parents, and counselors throughout Pennsylvania.
Person 1: The results are in! Here is your 2020-2021 Homecoming court!
Person 2: In no specific order, here are your 6 candidates!
Person 1: Hopelynn Hauser
Person 2: Olivia Mounts
Person 1: Cecilia Commero
Person 2: Maddie Fritz
Person 1: Emma Conroy
Person 2: Talia Sheaffer
Person 1: Congrats to all girls!
Person 2: Please stop down to see Mr. Marzock in room 137 2nd period today for more information
Now for Profound Presidential Perceptions from your Future President Marzock
If I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, then I’d have all my money back.
I’m off like a dirty shirt,
Marzock 2020
P.S. may the voting be forever in my favor
And remember, If you’re 18 or older, register to vote at vote.gov!
Have a great day Ephrata!