Eight Tips to Help Avoid Boredom During Covid-19!
- from Julia Davidchik
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- Columbus High School
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Most of the people around the world are frustrated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This cautions people from traveling near and far in hopes of reducing exposure to the virus. What is probably most frustrating is only seeing the people one lives with each day. As the rest of the world stays at least six feet away from each other, I have thought of some ways to make the most of the time at the home and avoid boredom.
1) Help out the medical staff in your area!
Helping medical professionals is not as complicated as one might think. The simple things to do are: wash your hands, stay home when sick, drink plenty of water, and avoid touching your face. Most education systems have been teaching people this since they were little, time to make use of it!
2) Do your schoolwork! If you are lucky enough to still have school, and the class has moved online, start doing the work that the instructor has provided you with. It may be tedious and seem like a waste of time, but it will be worth it in the long-run.
3) Clean that thing you have been wanting to clean!
We all have that “I’ll get to you later” pile somewhere in our homes. Why not take advantage of not being able to go anywhere and finally clean it? If it helps, put some background noise on. (movie, music, podcast, etc.)
4) Start a new hobby!
Pick up a book or maybe an old instrument you have been wanting to relearn and give it an attempt. There are probably loads of activities that you can do at home, you just have to look. (Something might come up after cleaning too!)
5) Go for a walk!
It is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise from being inside all day. If that does not suit you, try running or riding a bike. Just remember to stay at least six feet away from others.
6) Video Call a Friend!
This is not the same as seeing them in person, but it is better than nothing. They are in the same boat and could probably use a “hello” from someone else too.
7) Eat a family meal together!
It is understood that it is frustrating being in the same home as your family and the last thing that you want to do is eat a family meal with them. But just give it an attempt. Make the meal interesting such as…..cooking fancy food, dressing up silly, talking in weird accents, or even plain silence!
8) Write letters to your extended family!
Grandparents always love to hear about how your life is going and what is happening. They are probably concerned at the state right now and a letter from their grandchild will be sure to bring up their mood!
I hope that at least one of these tips was helpful to those unsure of what to do! Please be safe and use caution, if needing to travel outside the home. Also remember....that this will all get better just keep thinking positively!
Bobek Ltd. “Natural Backgrounds With Flowers Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures.” Publicdomainpictures.Net, 2020, www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=67602&picture=natural-backgrounds-with-flowers. Accessed 6 Apr. 2020.
“Smiley Faces Background Vector Image | Domain Vectors.” Publicdomainvectors.Org, 2015, publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Smiley-faces-background-vector-image/28990.html. Accessed 6 Apr. 2020.