Should You Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast?
- from Taylor Maher
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- Greater Johnstown Senior High School
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Ice cream is one of America’s favorite delicacies. The sweet treat comes in many flavors such as Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, etc. There are even crazier flavors nowadays like Fudge Brownie, or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. As one of my favorite treats, I’d love to eat it for breakfast everyday. The question is, should you?
Certain studies in Japan and America have shown people who eat ice cream for breakfast have higher mental capacity and alertness. While this sounds great and should ultimately tell you to grab the Ben and Jerry’s out of the fridge, it doesn’t.
While eating it once in awhile for breakfast is fine, making a regular meal out of it could potentially ruin your health because ice cream is still made up of tons of sugar and depending on what flavor you like, other unhealthy ingredients.
However, it’s not completely horrible as there’s milk for calcium and some other healthy components like fresh Strawberries or Vanilla beans based on flavor.
All in all, I’d say you could eat it for breakfast in moderation. If you know what you’re consuming and are careful then it could give you some good benefits. That way you get your breakfast, plus eat something delicious in the process.