Pushing Back School Start Times

Have you ever woken up in the morning to get ready for school but you just couldn't get up and moving  because you don't have the energy and it’s too early? Me too. A lot of high school students come to school with hardly any energy because school starts early in the morning.  Students will sleep in class, and some students can't even concentrate because they’re sleepy and can't keep their eyes open. That can be a huge problem. This problem can be solved. Schools could start a little later. 

       If schools were to start later students would be able to get enough sleep. They could come to school with enough energy and learn more and stay focused. They would get a better education. 

      If some schools started later they would have to leave later as well, but that shouldn't be a problem for most students . It would still be the same hours as if we didn't change anything, but students would be awake and would be more involved, so school might feel as though its going a lot faster.  Although, if schools were to start later then all after school activities like sports, and clubs will be pushed back as well. A lot of students that play sports or in a club don't want to get home later in the evening. The sports and clubs and any other school activity can shorten the time of how long practice is for sports or how long the meetings will be for clubs. 

       In California a new law was passed; schools are no longer allowed to start before 8:30 in the morning. California is the first state to pass this new law. In Pennsylvania most schools start before 8am. In the city of Johnstown, The Middle school and The High school start at 7:30am and end around 2pm. California passed this law because they believe that pushing back the start time will improve “academic performance” from the students. The students are learning more because they’re getting enough sleep everyday. 

       There are many reasons why going to school later is a good idea.  One reason why schools should push back the start time is because most students can’t go to sleep later at night. It would help if schools started later because students would be getting enough sleep. Another reason why schools should start later is that it would affect the way students learn, but in a positive way. Students would have more energy to get out of bed and come to school ready to learn, and they would pay attention more. So when your alarm goes off early in the morning, think about how your school and other schools could help students just by pushing back the start time.

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