German Students Show Off Their Skills
- from Gaby Alarcon
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- Columbus High School
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On Sat., April 6, German III and IV students traveled over to Schoo Middle School in Lincoln, Nebraska. These students have been preparing their showcases since February. What does the competition consist of? Well much like the Spanish competition held at CHS a few weeks ago, the German Competition consisted of students around Nebraska who have been working hard to prepare their showcase. Whether it be video interpretations, dances, songs, poetry, music videos, artwork or even cake, Mrs. Perigo was extremely proud of all her students and what they accomplished.
Below are the score recaps for German three and four:
First Place Poetry Video Interpretation: Erick Eickhoff
Second Place Music Video: Kaylyn Beyer, Amber Sanne, Megan Lovci, and Zoe Crumb
Second Place Theme Display: Taylor Sanders, Miriam Munoz, and Osmunda Izaguirre
Posters and Artwork Competitors: Logan Galley, Kaitlyn Bandl, and Melissa Ramaekers
Poetry Video Interpretation: Brooklyn Stevens
Apfelkuchen: Conner Mueller and Natalie Higginbotham
Bienenstich: Andrew Davis and Lance Pedersen
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte: Antonio Soto and Alex Harris
Congratulations to all who competed!