JB comes to CHS!!

Today is the day that all Juniors (and certain seniors) have been waiting for. It is a day that they will remember forever. Today is the day that John Baylor has come to CHS. He is here to talk about the ACT and how to better prepare for the upcoming event. 

Many people may know about the ACT and how it can be stressful to try to get the perfect score for their dream college. Many people lose sleep and will worry about the ACT. T

here is no need to be worried if you follow the tips that John Baylor has to offer for you. In the words of John Baylor, ¨Honor thy Commas¨ and remember to ¨Hammer the Grammar¨!    

I am a returning staffer and extremely excited for this year! Other than Newspaper, I am involved in Cross Country, Marching Band, Swim team,  and National Honor Society. Outside of school,  I am a member of Girl Scouts, Venture Scouts, and participate in my local Youth Group. I also enjoy traveling to go spend time with my family. If  I could travel anywhere in the world I would go to Paris, France.

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