Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- from Olivia Gelbaugh
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- Northern High School
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an American holiday that takes place on the third Monday of January. It is in honor of Martin Luther King, one of the most influential leaders of the African American rights movement. King led many peaceful protests to bring an end to discrimination against blacks.
In 1957, King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The SCLC was an organization that worked towards the equality of African Americans in America. They played a role in the Civil Rights march in Washington D.C., in 1963, and they also contributed to voting right campaigns in Albany, Georgia, and Alabama.
King led multiple marches, including the March on Washington where civil rights leaders protested racial discrimination. On August 28, 1963, a group of more than 200,000 people gathered together to protest for equal rights among all citizens by law. It was on this day that King delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech, and gave the crowd the support they needed to continue their opposition.
In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed, an act that outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin across America. In that same year, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but his victory was short-King was assassinated in 1968. Quickly following his death, a mourning nation wanted a national holiday in his honor, and the observance began on January 15, 1970, his birthday. Today, we celebrated his accomplishments on the third Monday in January. So, while you may be enjoying time off from work or school, please remember the man who stood for equal rights.