The Ice Dancer (Based on Tchaikovsky's Winter Daydreams)
- from Cassandra DeGeorge
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- Middletown High School North
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Based on Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.1 “Winter Daydreams” III. Scherzo- Allegro Scherzando Giocoso
What a daydream winter was!
Children dancing in the snow
Children skating on the lake
Children gliding to and fro.
The kid in the coat of red
Slapped another and started to run.
When the kid ran after him,
The tag game had begun.
The skaters all took notice
And gleefully glided away
Laughing, playing, and running
As the tagger chased his prey.
When approached, they skated quick
Escaping in the nick of time.
One slid away so fast
The tagger fell on his behind.
Some skaters tired out,
But the tagger was more persistent
He chased the girl with the pink hat
Who put up the least resistance
She tried not to go slower
But the boy just got closer
She ran like a cheetah
But Blue-gloves was about to beat her.
She went faster still, he went in for the kill.
She sped up, just a bit,
So did he, she was hit.
The kids skated again
The pink hat’s it, they know.
They avoided her at all costs
Gliding, to and fro.
As fickle as she was,
She went from kid to kid.
When one escaped her grasp
Change her route, she did.
Eventually, she got frustrated
As more and more people escaped.
They seemed to be amused by it,
Which made her more irate.
Red-coat glided past her
As he stuck out his tongue
With anger in her little eyes
She knew what must be done.
She started to chase him down
Her fists tight as a drum
For making her look like a clown,
He’d be her next victim.
He noticed her close behind
And tried to get her off his trail
He thought he was safe from the grind
When she was really right on his trail.
She didn’t make a noise
The closer and closer she was
She’d catch him from behind
But that wasn’t the case, because.
He turned around to see
And he let out a scream.
He knew his fate was bound.
When she pushed him to the ground.
They fell on the hard ice
He felt like he’d been smacked.
He slapped her in the arm
And she slapped him right back.
But then, a figure glided by them
Moving gracefully as a bird,
She had hair lighter than the snow
And beauty beyond all words.
Pink hat stood back up and gazed
As she slid across the ice
She lifted a leg, hands in the air
Performing a dance so precise.
Everyone watched the ice dancer spin
Pink hat following close behind
Spins were quick as hummingbird wings
It all just blew her little mind.
The children were star-struck
As the ice dancer leaped
They all almost burst, cheering out
When she landed upon her feet.
But to admit envy was present
They wanted to be that good!
They took to the ice, a new game in mind
Not gazing where they stood.
When she lifted her arms into the air
The children all did it, too.
Without a thought, she picked up speed
But while they fell, she flew.
But they carried on
Just how hard could it get?
When she did her first axel jump
The first kids started to quit.
She lifted a leg, they did it too
Raising her foot up high
When she did two pirouettes
They began to drop like flies.
The gave kids up, one by one
But some weren’t as flaky
Pink hat’s eyes curved with anger
Her hands even grew shaky.
She speed skated left.
Some folded like cards
She was surely the best,
But the others tried hard.
Aggression kicked in
This wasn’t just a game
One fell right on his face
Another did the exact same.
But Pink hat won’t give up
She got even more mad
She would show up that snub
If it took all she had.
Only two kids remained
The task was just tireless
Ice dancer spun again,
The other fell from the tiredness.
Ice dancer went on one foot
And Pink hat followed suit.
She glanced around, and she saw
Everyone watching in awe.
Children watching from the ice
Children watching from the snow
As the Ice Dancer and Pink hat
Gliding to and fro.
The girl spun wild and quick
The ice dancer twirled just twice
Compared to those who quit
She did it rather nice
The Ice dancer turned sharply
Pink hat tried not to trip
Her hair snapped on her neck
Stinging like a whip.
The older picked up speed
The younger could only plead
That she wouldn’t lose her grace
And become the gang’s disgrace.
It was her time, the pressure’s on
With one fall, she would be gone
Don’t fall back, don’t get idile
For the attention of her idol.
Dancer prepared for a leap, pink tried not to weep
Just one jump, and who knew?
When she leaped, she did too
Getting right back to the dance,
Pink hat felt just like a pro
As the two girls moved as one,
Gliding two and fro.
Glimpsing at Red-coated kid
Pink hat hoped he was jealous
Of the girl who followed through
Of the girl who was zealous
Following like a shadow,
Her heart was full of pride
Who was the one to succeed?
Why the only one who tried!
Without one glance behind
Ice dancer prepared and flew
Pink hat knew it was fine
She always made it through
Ice dancer axel-jumped
The young girl did as well
She made it in the air
But to the ground, she fell.
A thump filled the air
The kids watched with dismay
The dancer turned around
And on the floor, pink hat lay
The dancer knelt down
Pink hat looked a little scared
But the dancer smiled at her,
Saying, “You did good out there.”
She helped her to her feet
A took her little hand
Pink hat smirked right at her friends,
Whose jealousy wasn’t discreet.
She looked at red coat and cooed,
“Screw! You!”