South Students Host Blood Drive
- from Kaia Alexander
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- South Salem High School
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Today, Dec. 5, the Anatomy and Physiology classes, taught by Mrs. Simon, hosted a semiannual American Red Cross blood drive. The donation periods took place all day on Wednesday for students who wanted to participate. One donation has the power to save three lives, and is in high demand for cancer patients. Donors must meet certain requirements including being 17 years or older, or 16 with parent permission, and meeting the height and weight requirements. If the donor has piercings or tattoos, they can still give blood as long as the tattoo or piercing was done at a certified salon.
On the day of donation the participant must come prepared with I.D. or donor card, and be feeling good. It is highly recommended to eat a good dinner the night before, and a wholesome breakfast that includes lots of water which can help with blood flow, allowing you to donate easier and faster.
When it is your turn to donate, you are brought into a private space by an attendant with a laptop. The attendant then asks you to answer a questionnaire about yourself. After you are finished they run a small sample of your blood from your finger to test the level of iron in your blood. The hemoglobin level of a female must be a 12.5 or higher, men must be 13 or higher. If this test is passed you are finally ready to begin donating. Another attendant sits you on a table and begins sanitizing your arm to begin drawing blood. When you are done you might feel a little light headed so there is a student volunteer to help you walk to a table set up with snacks and water. Here you may recover and relax until you feel good enough to be on your own.