Ephrata AM 10-16-18
- from Jeremy Bischoff
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- Ephrata High School
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Good Morning Ephrata, NAMES today is Tuesday Oct 16! Please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag.
Attention students in grades 10-12: Did you buy a yearbook last year?? If so, please pick up your spring edition at lunch today. This self-adhesive insert includes all the spring sports, musical, graduation, and other events that took place at the end of last year. If you don't have a lunch period, please pick yours up in the attendance office.
Any student interested in competing in a STEM competition? Mrs. Brenner is looking for a team of 5 students to participate in the Governor’s STEM Challenge. This year’s theme for the competition is “Improving Pennsylvania Through STEM.” She is looking for creative individuals to come up with a problem in Pennsylvania and create something to solve it. Funds are provided to make a proto-type. We would meet afterschool every other week. See Mrs. Brenner in Room 101 for any questions or if you are interested.
CALLING ALL 10th GRADE LEADERS! We will be selecting an EHS Sophomore to attend this year's HOBY Leadership Conference. The conference will be held at Shippensburg University from May 16th - May 19th, 2019. This is an AMAZING opportunity to develop leadership skills and grow to be able to positively impact our world. In order to be considered as the selected nominee, please submit a 1-page essay to the Counseling Office by 10/25/18 on the following topic:
What does it take to be a good leader?
In what ways would you consider yourself a good leader? In what ways do you still have room to grow?
Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft, has died aged 65 from complications of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He had revealed the disease's return only two weeks ago, after previously being treated for it in 2009. He had said he and his doctors were "optimistic" about treatment. His Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said: "I am heartbroken by the passing of one of my oldest and dearest friends... Personal computing would not have existed without him.
1793- After the French Revolution began, Marie-Antoinette, queen consort of Louis XVI, was targeted by agitators who, enraged by her extravagance and attempts to save the monarchy, ultimately she was guillotined
1701 Yale University is founded as The Collegiate School of Killingworth, Connecticut by Congregationalists who consider Harvard too liberal
Now over to _________ with lunch
In sports results, volleyball plays away at E town.
Senior powderpuff practice will resume today at 3:30 – 4:45 at the turf field behind the rec center.
This is just a reminder to all 9th grade boys who plan to try out for the basketball team this year, that there is no open gym tonight. We will have open gym again on Thursday from 5-6 in the HS gym. Contact Coach Showalter with any questions.
Today in sports, the LL league meet will happen at the Ephrata Middle School cross country course.
Now back to the main desk
If you 're in grade 10, 11, or 12 and interested in serving our country through the Military, please come down to the Guidance office before October 23rd to sign up for the ASVAB test.
The Ephrata Quiz Bowl team season got off to a rousing start yesterday when E-town visited. Ephrata fell behind severely in the first game before roaring back to tie the game on the last question, then won the game in overtime--final score 260-245. Ephrata then romped through the next 2 games 345-150 and 360-100 to post a 3 and 0 record for the match. Congratulations to the team and good luck in your next match vs. Lampeter-Strasburg.
College Bound Seniors! You need to complete your FAFSA before you can get any money for college, including certain scholarships. The first step is getting your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. Bring your social security number and valid email address to the cafeteria during all lunch periods on Wednesday October 17th for assistance in getting your FSA ID.
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