Ephrata AM 4-30-18
- from Tim McCormick
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- Ephrata High School
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Good Morning Ephrata, NAMES today is Monday April 30! Please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag.
Hey! Do you like going to school events? Do you like taking photos? Well…then you should consider joining the Cloisterette Yearbook! Starting TOMORROW May 1st, the club will resume their Tuesday meetings in Mr. Jeremy Bischoff’s room 318 to work on the Spring Edition. Any students who wish to participate in next year’s book should attend! They will learn all about taking pictures, captioning, and the whole yearbook process. See you there!! "
Attention Class of 2020, Yes that’s you SOPHMORES!!
Class T-Shirt designs have been voted on and we have order forms so you can get your hands on your “OFICIAL CLASS T-SHIRT” (show attached graphic).
Look for your class officers to come to home room and offer order forms. Only $10 bucks for short sleeve, $15 for long sleeve, you pick from six colors available.
Attention all 9th and 10th grade students planning to attend college or another post-secondary school! We will be hosting a Spring Financial Aid Night in partnership with the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency on Thursday May 10th from 6 PM to 8 PM in the EHS Auditorium. Come to learn more about career exploration, post-secondary planning, and student borrowing. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and your parents! This is a great opportunity to start planning for your future TODAY!
This announcement is for any student interested in learning about future Military Options. On Thursday May 3, 2018 Solanco HS will hosting a Military night from 6-8pm: All students in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend. During this evening, students will have the opportunity to speak with multiple military branches about job training, college funding and military service. Stop down to check out the information flyer in the Counseling Office for more info.
The US Senate confirmed Trump’s appointee for Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to the position by a vote of 57-42 last weekend. He has already met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and is being sent on a diplomatic mission to several states in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Israel, two of America’s closest allies in the region that have historically been enemies of each other.
On this day in history, Adolf Hitler, while hiding out in his bunker, committed suicide in 1945. Germany could trace their downfall back to 1943 at the Battle of Stalingrad, and over the course of the next two years, Hitler could see the end of his precious Germany was coming. After Hitler died, those closest to him quickly cremated the body, but as the Soviets closed in, they took the ashes so the Germans could not make a memorial for Hitler. Just eight days later, Germany issued an unconditional surrender to the Allies.
Now over to _________ with lunch
Insert lunch here
In sports results, baseball won 3-1 vs E town, boys lacrosse lost a close one 8-7 vs Warwick, girls lacrosse lost at Warwick, and softball had no score vs E town.
Over the weekend, the boys 4x800 relay team competed at the national championships at Penn Relays in Philadelphia. They qualified for the finals in a driving rain and took 9th place overall smashing the school record at 7:52.72. Congratulations Tyler Shue, Tanyon Loose, AJ Morales, and Andrew Foster!
Today in sports, baseball is away at LS, Track is home vs Solanco, girls lacrosse is home vs Schukill valley, and softball is home vs garden spot
Now back to the main desk
Pick-on-a-senior-day is when you get to dress up your favorite senior and they walk you to class all day! But, you have to win them first :) All proceeds will be going to charity.
Attention all Seniors!!! TODAY is the last day to sign up for participating in Pick-on-a-senior day! The signups will be during your lunch period.
Bidding will be from May 1st -May 7th. You can bid on your favorite senior during homeroom and lunches in the cafeteria. The bidding will go up by increments of $0.25. You can secure your senior for $20.00
Attention students who signed up for an internship next year. There will be two brief internship meetings. The first will be held Tuesday, May 1st, immediately after school in Mr. King’s room 207, please arrive promptly at 2:40. A second opportunity will be held on Wednesday morning, May 2nd, during homeroom, starting at 7:25- also in Mr. King’s room 207. If you have signed up for an Internship next year please plan to attend one of these meetings.
You can also find information posted on Schoology.
Attention freshmen, sophomores, and juniors –
Just a reminder that there are two requirements that must be met in order to receive your laptop at the start of next school year (or keep your laptop for the summer).
#1: Students must complete the Online Safety & Digital Citizenship 2018-19 course on Schoology. The course opened at the start of April. It is in your Courses menu and consists of 3 modules. The total run time of the course is about 30 minutes. It's self-paced, so you can complete it all in one sitting or return to it as many times as you need to until you get all the way through to the course exit ticket. Get it done!
#2: Parents/guardians must also complete the online parent acknowledgement form. This is done through a site called PermissionClick. Multiple emails have been sent containing the link. The email address we have on file for your parents/guardians can be found in your Student Backpack on the Community Portal.
A paper letter containing this same information is on its way to all parents. The letter should arrive by Wednesday, so even parents who haven't gotten the email yet will have access to all of this information and can access the PermissionClick form.
The goal is for ALL students in grades 5-11 to have ALL requirements met by Wednesday, May 30th. That’s one month away!