Net Neutrality Repeal Aftermath - What The FCC Plans To Do
- from Gabriel Howard
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- Stroudsburg Area High School
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Well, the fateful day of December 14th has come and gone. So what is the verdict?
Unfortunately, the FCC has decided to repeal Net Neutrality rules if their bill is to be passed. Ajit Pai and the rest of the FCC has stated that the bill will "restore the Internet to its former glory", even if that "former glory" ends up making our lives more inefficient and more costly. Is there a glimmer of hope in all this?
There is, actually. But it is a long shot. According to the system of passing laws and bills, Congress ultimately decides on what bills could be passed and which ones could be resigned in the Resignation of Disapproval. So far, many members of Congress are looking to scrap the Net Neutrality repeal as soon as possible, but the upward battle would be steep. It is reported that over half of the Congressmen and women there were being bribed by big internet and TV corporations with large sums of money to make the repeal go live.
Of the many PA government officials who signed onto this are as follows: Glenn "GT" Thompson ($70,500), Tom Marino ($130,700), and Bill Shuster ($202,500). The people who were bribed the most in this scandal are Cathy McMorris of Rodgers, Washington at $673,530, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia at $815,099, and Joe Barton of Texas at $1,262,757. These people and countless more from both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives were bribed, and if these men and women are not caught in this act now before the Congress vote goes live, then we do not have a chance at getting the repeal taken away. For more names on this "ISP List", here is the website:
The story only gets deeper, however. Shortly after Ajit Pai made the statement of the FCC and the repeal, two things sprang up on the Internet. The first is of Ajit Pai's real address to his home in Virginia had been leaked, as well as 33 street addresses, 10 phone numbers, and various emails, social media accounts, and shockingly the information of 42 family members and associates. The second thing was that the Internet group Anonymous has claimed responsibility to the address leakage, and has told Ajit Pai and the FCC to "expect them". Currently there has been no report of Ajit Pai being injured or discovered by members of Anonymous, but the FCC chairman did release a video on YouTube explaining seven things the Internet can still do after Net Neutrality had been taken away. You can find the video here.
Things may appear bleak, but there is a chance this could be stopped. If you haven't done so, please contact Congress and your officials to stop this repeal before it goes live. We still have time!