Halloween at South Salem High School
- from Antonia Connor
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- South Salem High School
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In honor of a South Salem tradition, one that has upheld for decades the students and staff of SSHS held a trick or treat festival for small kids in the area. Over 1,000 kids showed up in darling costumes to receive candy from the south high students who were also dressed up.
Groups of South students went as characters all the way from a Disneyland theme to a Scooby-Doo theme to a disco dance theme. Each group picked a door of a classroom prior to the event and planned a theme with friends or peers from clubs, decorating accordingly. Contests were held a week or so before to collect donated candy that would be passed out to kids.
As it goes annually, the trick or treat festival when just as planned and was a huge success. The students and staff of South High put on a fun event for families of our community to enjoy. Happy Halloween!