Leading the Way: TedxYouth Salem
- from Toni Trinh
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- South Salem High School
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TED, an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design is a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing ideas typically in a short, powerful talk that lasts less than 18 minutes. TEDx is a local, self-organized group dedicated to spreading ideas among the community in a TED-like experience. TedxYouth specifically centers around giving young people an opportunity to share and present their ideas.
“TedxYouth@Salem has brought together many unique minded people that all have this desire to inspire and educate others,” Debbie Davis ‘19 said.
TEDxYouth@Salem is completely run by high school students who serve on a board and make decisions together. Over half of the participants are from South and the rest come from other schools in the district such as West, McNary, and Sprague.
The inaugural TEDxYouth@Salem event is on Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Elsinore Theater. TedxYouth@Salem currently has seven speakers who will be giving eight to ten minute talks on topics ranging from eating disorders to racial prejudice and the power of programming. Two of the speakers are from South, Eddy Binford-Ross ‘21 and Kudzai Kapurura ‘19, and one South alumni Aaron Satyanarayana ‘17. Their rehearsals are currently held in South’s Little Theater after school on Mondays.
“All South students are encouraged to come to hear some amazing TED Talks, participate in activities and all in all have a great time!” Megha Joshi ‘19 said.
Tickets are available for purchase on the TedxYouth@Salem website. Tickets are $10 for students and $20 for adults.
For more information visit http://clypian.southsaxons.com...