Do your dreams mean anything?
- from Donna Tucker
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- Greater Johnstown Senior High School
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Dreams are messages from the unconscious mind. In the REM state of our sleep (rapid eye movement), we dream more vividly. Have you ever had a dream from which you woke up and thought “what does that mean?” It's our job to figure out why we are having certain dreams.
We usually have dreams in our deepest times of sleep, usually 2-7 a.m. However, dreams can occur at any time of the day, and they can be effected by anything. Your house, your family, what you’ve seen, what you’ve heard--anything.
Dreams that are affected by your physical environment, what you’ve seen or heard, often have very little meaning. Its simply something that stuck with you.
Dreams containing fear, grief, or horror, on the other hand, have a major impact on an individual. These dreams usually contain the fears you have. However, sometimes they don’t. These dreams can also be affected by horror films you’ve seen, or events you’ve heard about. They can have little significance, or major, depending on the situation.
Common dreams that occur:
- Falling dreams
Some people have multiple falling dreams in their lifetime. Some say that if you die in your dream, you die in real life. Thankfully this has been proven untrue. Drifting off into sleep can cause falling dreams. Falling dreams can be caused by your lifestyle. As much as we plan our lives, we lose control over it. Falling dreams can be a reaction to losing control over our lives.
-Teeth dreams.
Some people have dreams about losing their teeth, or having missing teeth. This is often associated with the end of something. Such as a hard task. This type of dream can also represent fear.
-Being chased.
Being chased in your dream could mean you feel threatened by someone/ something.
-Hand dreams
Dreaming about your hands can have about 3 different meanings. Hands tied up could mean a feeling of pressure or being stuck in a situation. Washing your hands could be a feeling of guilt, and looking closely at your hands can lead to lucid dreaming.
Dreams are messages from the conscious to the unconscious mind. Whether it’s our reality word blurring into our sleep state, or whether it’s our subconscious feelings making their way toward our reality, it can be interesting and fun to figure out why we are having certain dreams.