German Competition
- from Nyah Lewis
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- Columbus High School
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Continuing the streak, Columbus High has once again taken home a handful of wins at this year's German Competition. This year, five area schools made an appearance and Columbus High School took the lion’s share of awards, winning a prize for dang near every category.
The categories consisted of artwork, poster-making, baking, video skits, poetry video interpretation, instrumental music, school banner, selfie backdrop and T-shirt design.
Senior Davis Davis placed first in the baking category with her delicious Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte cake. I guess she took “taking the cake” to a whole different level.
Macey Walker and Davis took first under the selfie backdrop category. Jon Reiff placed second in music video AND second in instrumental music. Caia Samuelson placed first in instrumental music as well as first in the spelling bee. Macey and Jon also took home second place in the school banner.
As for the juniors, they had a fair share of wins as well. Jaime Hendrickson, Nicole Mas and Alexis Rohloff beat out the boys and got first place in video skit, while Samuel Kiser, Dylon Logan and Johang Hernandez came close behind them with second place. Dylon Logan also placed third in advanced poetry. And last but not least, the recent winner of Anchor News’s nicest writer, Nyah Lewis, came in second place for advanced poetry. She also got first place for her poster.
There are plans in motion to make this competition happen again next year, and, even though it is unfortunately too early to set anything in stone, anyone interested in going should talk to Mrs. Perigo, who helps set up the entire ordeal because of how much she enjoys it.
When asked what her favorite thing about it is, she said, “I just love watching the students interact with each other and other German students across the state, developing that love for culture and language. There are all kinds of things that feel real, that take our skills out of the classroom. It is also just a lot of fun!”. If that isn’t enough to tell you how awesome an experience it is, then nothing will.
While a few other schools did go home with some wins as well, I think Columbus High won this race. It was an awesome day for Columbus kids and a great experience for all involved.
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