End of the school year!
- from Addison Davis
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- Columbus High School
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Start your countdown and get ready! The end of the school year is less than a month away, and there is still plenty to do! With it being almost summer, it is a good time to push hard in school, and end the year with a great splash into your vacation!
With less than 25 days of school left, it is important that you make sure your grades are top notch. It’s not fun having to stress about if you are going to pass a class, especially with summer school as the alternative. So, as of now, you should put in the extra work, go to teachers when you need help, take extra time to do assignments and go above and beyond! You will feel so accomplished going into the summer with your grades looking great.
After your grades are to your liking and there is no more stress, you can think of what to do on your last day of school! Since it is only a half day, you get quite a bit of time to submerge yourself into summer by basking in the energizing vibes of the last day of school. The night before your last day of school, you can pick out an outfit that you have been waiting to wear and show it off on the last day. After school is over, you can go out for lunch with your friends, have a picnic somewhere or get ice cream. You could even have a sleepover that night, and pull your first all nighter of the summer. There are so many things to do and it is just beginning!
Make sure that you do all that you can this summer and enjoy every moment of it. For some of us, it is our last summer before our last year of high school or college. High school goes by so fast, so I encourage you to enjoy every minute of it. So end the year with one final punch so you can give this summer your all!
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