The Future Of New World Singers
- from Brenna Wemhoff
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- Columbus High School
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Have you been wondering about our choir department recently and our future legacy? If so, adjust your eyeballs to the screen and pay attention!
New World is an a capella group at Columbus High that involves some of the most skilled singers in our school. This group is technically a class, but they perform outside of class frequently. There are rehearsals every day, with their director Mr. Jacob Ritter and are often accompanied by Ms. Amanda Weeder.
Recently, students have been preparing for auditions to get into the group, and have been working hard on it for over a month. This group is highly competitive and spots are limited. After many long tedious nights spent preparing, the auditions took place on Monday, April 3 at 6:30.
Around 2 hours later, the auditions were completed. Mr. Ritter made sure to express how pleased he was with the auditions this year, and how he felt that this was "one of the most prepared auditions" he's ever had.
The students had to wait until Thursday to find out if they made it, and with all of the talent in our school, it is no surprise that there were some fantastic auditions. Out of the dozens of auditioners, 12 girls and 9 boys were accepted into next year’s ensemble.
The soprano group includes incoming juniors Brittney Muñoz, Fatima Muñoz, Emily Niles, and Jacque Sanchez-Sanchez along with seniors Lillian Hudnall and Alissa Pacheco. The alto's include incoming junior Sheyla Monteza-Gonzalez and seniors Keren Diata, Kasha Iwan, Ella Shevlin, Ashton Thoms and Anchor News’ resident jukebox Brenna Wemhoff.
Juniors Eddie Alcaide, Aidan Ballentine and Erick Sanchez will be carrying the tenor section next year. Seniors Kenneth Fuentes-Quelex, Trevor Maschmeier, and Angel Osorio-Sagastume will be leading the basses along with juniors Caleb Hast, Nathaniel Navarrete and Duncan Rosno joining the group for the first time.
Overall, this group's future is looking bright with plenty of seniors to lead the group and eager singers all around.
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