Can You Hear the Bells at CHS?
- from Lexi Urkoski
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- Columbus High School
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Can you hear the bells? The bells are ringing! CHS has finally gotten a new bell system.
While many people might not think having new bells at school is something to be thrilled about, CHS is pretty ecstatic about it. Now, students can hear the announcements in every classroom and not have to wonder about what lunch is or where a specific meeting is going to be held.
Students also can hear the bells for each passing period, too. Before the upgrade, some classrooms where the old bells did not function forced you to just watch the clock and wait for your teacher to dismiss you.
It’s especially helpful for the people upstairs. Now, they can hear right away if the school has a lockdown or any other kind of drills. Students and teachers don’t have to risk being unsafe anymore just because the intercom system didn’t inform them of something going on.
Although they still have some adjustments to make, the new bell system is working wonderfully. You’ll never have to wonder about what’s going on in the school again.
For more information about new and improved systems at CHS, be sure to follow us on Fusfoo, Instagram and Twitter!