Columbus High School Tri-M Music Group
- from Brenna Wemhoff
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- Columbus High School
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Want to know what's going on in the world of music at Columbus High? If so, don't avert your eyes! I'll be telling ya'll about a music club called Tri-M.
Tri-M, formerly known as Modern Music Masters, is the equivalent of National Honor Society for musicians. This club was founded in 1936 and is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), the governing body that sponsors the Nebraska All-State Ensembles.
The members of Tri-M are invited to apply and are accepted based on their GPA, musical talent, and teacher recommendations. Students selected to join this rite of passage often travel to sing for others, see the symphony or to go to other musical outings. They are also recognized at their graduation ceremonies by draping a pink cord over their gowned shoulders.
In addition to making music and looking good at graduation, these students also act as a service organization for the school as well as the community at large. Each school is able to choose their own service projects and are a requirement for the group to stay active members.
The newest members of this group had their induction ceremony on November 14. The ceremony included a showcase of vocal and instrumental performances, including solos from each department, an instrumental duet and two vocal quartets. This year, there are 22 students involved, with 9 juniors and 6 sophomores. With that in mind, the club is sure to be a success next year as well.
Members of this group include seniors Riley Gausman, Bryan Alvarado, Jenna Taylor, Elizabeth Hoskovec, Abby Wurdemen Sarah Lasso and Alyvia Williams. The Juniors of this group are Alissa Pacheco, EllaMay Shevlin, Kasha Iwan, Lillian Hudnall, Jarett Peabody, Emma Dunn, Brenna Wemhoff, Jaylynn Sylvester and Angel Osorio-Sagastume. With no freshmen partaking in this club, the last group of students are the sophomores. These members include Aidan Ballentine, Nathaniel Naverette, Emily Niles, Fatima Munoz, Jacqueline Sanchez-Sanchez and Sheyla Monteza-Gonzalez.
CHS originally started it's Tri-M chapter in 2017, and had inducted 28 students by January of 2018. The second group of 13 was inducted in April of 2019. In the 2019-2020 school year, COVID hit and the club was briefly suspended. After discussing where the club should go from there, Mr. Ritter and Mr. Peabody decided that the best course of action was to wait until the 2022-2023 school year to start Tri-M up again.
Overall, this club has proved to be a successful music group for young teens at CHS. With such a strong group leading the musical endeavors of CHS, Tri-M is a top-of-the-class club.