Productivity Apps
- from Zoey De La Rosa
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- Columbus High School
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Are you struggling to keep your grades up? Getting homework done? Have you ever wanted to be more productive with your time? Luckily, Anchor News is here to help! These are the top productivity apps to help you have a more productive life.
We all know that it can get hard to keep your focus at school. The need to check social media can be overwhelming. To help you stay off your phone, download Forest. Forest is available on IOS and Android. Forest is an app that helps break these bad habits by letting you start a focus session. When a session is started, you get to grow a tree; the longer you stay in your session the bigger your tree grows. If you leave your session before the time is up, your tree DIES. You can even block distracting apps through the app. Forest is a free app, but you can upgrade to Pro for more options.
If taking notes by hand is not for you, then consider OneNote. OneNote is an online note-taking app. You can take your notes and organize them in different notebooks. There is also an option to record voice notes. OneNote has many options on how you can organize your notes and has an option that fits your style. OneNote is free on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.
If you like to plan out your day but hate doing it by hand, get Structured. Structured is a free IOS app that lets you plan your day minute by minute. The app is easy to navigate and has so many unique options in icons for your tasks. You can set a task for a time and even set a time to wake up and a time to go to sleep. There is even a calendar so you can plan your life days, weeks, or even months in advance.
The last app is Done: a simple habit tracker. Done is a free IOS app that helps you break or start habits. There are many options for the theme of the app to match your style. Done offers many different guides to help you start your path to having the healthiest lifestyle you want.
Hopefully, these apps will help you be more productive and help you live a healthier life. It can be hard but remember, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”- Walt Disney.
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