WE SAID: Why YOU Should Join Anchor News

Anchor News is looking for new members!  If you’re still thinking about whether or not you should apply, we at Anchor News have compiled a list of the top ten reasons why you should join Anchor News!  If you become convinced and desire an application, just email Mr. McDonald at mcdonalds@discoverers.org and have your application filled out before 2/22/2022!


Enjoy the list!


10 - Taking Pictures - Carys

Being part of Anchor News is exciting because you can get into games for free and take sweet pictures! Getting to capture sick touchdowns, game-winning shots and some really awesome sportsmanship from the Discoverers makes you truly proud to wear your maroon! The Anchor News Team partners with the CHS Yearbook to get awesome pictures not only at games, but at dances, activities and other school events.  Capturing these moments hurls your photography into CHS immortality and is one great reason to join CHS Anchor News.


9 - Anchor News Keeps You In The Know - Nyah 

What is something most students could improve on? Duh! Being in the know about events, activities, and other things that go on in our school. Writing for CHS Anchor News keeps you in the loop about sports, events/activities, clubs, and many more things that happen here. While ignorance can be bliss, being knowledgeable about things going down in our school can be beneficial to any CHS student. This is a good thing because it can help you make plans for the future, it can keep you organized and, let's not forget about all of the breathtakingly exciting scholastic pastimes that you would have access to if you joined us. 


Being a part of CHS Anchor News has been a great experience, but what could make it better? Gaining more students who could make our group grow. 


8 - Anchor News Counts As Elective Credit - Stephanie

With people starting to plan next year’s class schedules, all those required elective credits can really stress you out.  HAVE NO FEAR!  Anchor News counts as elective credit! With an astounding newspaper/English teacher who’s there to help with either your article OR your essays for English, you will learn to fix your mistakes while earning graduation credits with ease. There are not many classes that offer credits in addition to all the other benefits featured in this list. 


Not only that, but you can also take this class multiple times!  If you start Anchor News as a sophomore and continue until your senior year, you’ll earn 30 of the 65 elective credits required to receive your CHS diploma.  To me, Anchor News is a phenomenal way to get better at writing and earn a considerable chunk of credits at the same time!


7 - Anchor News Expands Your Vocabulary - Aimar, Hannah and Camila

Have you ever heard of someone being a human dictionary? Well, by joining Anchor News, you could become a human dictionary as well! By locking into Anchor News, you will be able to develop your vocabulary in ways you never thought possible. When writing an article, we do our best to use words that entice our readers. After using these words in an article, it makes it so much easier and natural to use them in conversations. By being a part of Anchor News, you will experience all kinds of new words to improve your writing. By augmenting your vocabulary skills, you improve not solely in newspaper articles, but also in your English classes. This is a skill that will help not only during high school and college, but for the rest of your professional career. This is why we say you should join Anchor News.


6 - Anchor News Looks Good on Resume - Carla

Let’s face it, it's never too early to think about first jobs, college and the rest of your life. Even if you don’t plan on pursuing a career in anything that has to do with Literature or Journalism, Anchor News will still look great on any resume! What’s more desirable than a person who knows what’s going on, can meet deadlines and can clearly explain complicated events to a wide audience?  I thought so.  If you’re interested in creating a marketable future for yourself, Anchor News is the place for you.


5 - Anchor News Helps You Write Better - Mac

Do your English teachers tell you you’re “too wordy”?  Do you sometimes have trouble remembering grammar rules?  Do you sometimes confuse people when you write?  Anchor News is here to help.


Joining Anchor News is a great way to learn more about writing.  Not only will you learn the basics of the Associated Press Stylebook, but you will also have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a real-life English teacher to improve your compositions.  The Anchor News staff agrees that their work with the newspaper has helped them write clearer emails, higher-quality essays and more persuasive publications.  Anchor News regularly publishes persuasive articles, previews of upcoming events, reviews of events that have passed and informative pieces about clubs and organizations all around CHS.  There are tons of opportunities to write about items that interest you with the added benefit of being able to share your clear, concise and meaningful writing with a wide audience!  What could be better than that?


All in all, if you enjoy writing and wish you were better at it, Anchor News might just be the place for you!


4 - Anchor News Allows You to Write with Creativity - Kaileigh

Joining CHS Anchor News is a great opportunity for the creative brains of CHS. Anchor News gives everyone a chance to be who you are. In this class, you are enabled to be you and express yourself. You get to choose what stories to write, what videos to produce. There are no bounds on how creative you can get while writing. If you’re tired of humdrum essay writing, consider joining Anchor News!


3 - Press Pass! - Zoey

Have you ever been to a high school football or basketball game? Have you seen the people near the wrestling mats getting close to all that exciting athletic action? Well, if that sounds exciting, then think about joining the CHS Anchor News! At games and activities, you get a magical press pass that lets you get in for free and on the sidelines for the best possible view of the action. Ernest Hausman’s game-winning touchdown against Kearney?  Anchor News was closer than the CHS coaching staff!  CHS’s first basketball victory on the new floor over Maroon Cup rival Norfolk?  You can guess that Anchor News was right in the middle of that action. If you're a big sports fan and you want to be the one on the sidelines then join Anchor News. 


2 - Anchor News Creates New Connections - Liz

Covering the goings-on around CHS with the newspaper is a phenomenal way to make connections with different people who would otherwise be just another face in the crowd. For example, last year, I was writing an article about winter sports and had to contact the basketball coach, who was also one of my teachers. One day, he asked me about Anchor News and what we do. It was a great opportunity to teach him about not only what we do as the newspaper staff, but what we as the newspaper staff can do for the whole school! From that point on, the teacher and I had something to talk about. Along with that, it helps you make connections with classmates you might not have connected with otherwise. Whether you are covering sports, clubs, activities, or putting together the Senior Spotlight on instagram, newspaper puts you in touch with some of the most interesting and talented people that make Columbus High School great!


1 - Anchor News is a Big Family - Olivya

I know joining a new activity can be exciting yet nerve-racking, but do not stress. Here at Anchor News, we all are outgoing, entertaining, and even helpful while telling the story of CHS. At the start, you may not automatically start feeling comfortable with new people, but I promise you that you get close with almost everybody in the classroom. My first year being a part of the newspaper team, I was really nervous that I would not be proficient enough at writing to produce articles. That all changed once I had Mr. McDonald and my classmates' opinions and feedback about my compositions. As time went on, I continued to gain a stronger relationship with my classmates and teacher, which was very comforting and relieving. Now that I am in my second year of being a part of Anchor News, I realize more and more every day how this amazing class brought me to other people, gave me a safe space from stressful classes and even strengthened my relationships with my friends. Here at Anchor News, we are family.


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