Welcome to the Party
- from Hannah Kwapnioski
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- Columbus High School
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Here at CHS, we pride ourselves on having a multitude of clubs that pique the interest of almost every student. Today, Anchor News will shine a light upon a new group that has made its way onto the scene; ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Club. Dungeons & Dragons is a basic game of storytelling where groups can create what is called a party. The party then can send their characters on a quest of their design with no one set order to the game.
Ms. Long, the club sponsor, agreed to turn back the pages and give Anchor News some insight into the magical quests of the players and their heroes.
How does joining the club work?
“Students can join at any time; they just need to stop by my room (G107) to pick up a parent permission slip and bring it back signed. There is no fee, and it's an open enrollment group”.
G107 is located on the first floor where the stem wing meets the rest of the school. G107 is one of the main Family and Consumer Sciences rooms.
How many members are currently active?
“There are no requirements for how many times students have to show up to participate. It's set up as a fun way for kids to get to hang out and be nerdy together. Because of this setup, it honestly depends on the night for how many kids show up and are active. We have a pretty solid core group of around 10 kids who almost always show up although we have had really large nights where it's closer to 20 students”.
Another way this club interests students is through its non-required meetings. This works because D&D can be played as the party members choose so; if a member is not there, then their story will just freeze for the time being.
Where and how often does the club meet/how long do the meetings last?
“The club meets on Tuesdays when students have school from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. in (Long’s) room (G107). If we have a large enough group of students, we split into two groups with the second group either meeting in G113 or G135, depending on the availability of the rooms. Students can show up earlier (as soon as school is dismissed) and wait until the club starts, and they can also show up late. We simply have a sign-in sheet that students need to sign on for attendance/record keeping purposes whenever they arrive”.
The time freedoms give students more opportunities to participate even if they have a tight schedule or know that they would need to be late due to another conflict. The one-a-week meetings also help with not overwhelming students when it comes to course load or wishing to work during the school week.
What is the main overview of the club?
“The main purpose of the club is to play the game "Dungeons and Dragons". We have some students who are interested in running the game and others who are playing. They are able to creatively interact with characters they make themselves and landscapes they create as well”.
All in all, the D&D club has done an amazing job in creating just another opportunity for CHS students. If any prospective students have questions about the club feel free to reach out to either Ms. Long or fellow sponsor Mr. McGill at their school emails.
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