Good Morning Ephrata NAMES today is Tuesday December 7, 2021. Please rise for a moment of silence and the pledge to the flag.
Attention Juniors and Seniors! Are you interested in an internship or paid work experience for the spring semester? Do you have more than one period open in your spring schedule? If so, you are in luck! Applications for the internship/co-op program for spring 2022 are now available in room 207. Please remember that all internships and co-op placements are outside the building, and you must provide your transportation. Applications are due back to Mrs. Myers by Tuesday, December 21.
Friends of Rachel will have a brief meeting in Room 121 on Thursday, December 9, from 3:00 to 3:30ish to discuss ideas and upcoming events. Anyone interested in being a part of this great group of people, please come on by!
All students will receive a copy of their second semester schedules this afternoon in homeroom. Please note that study halls will be inserted into missing periods on your schedule. If you wish to pick up a class instead of a study hall, be sure to check out the EHS Counseling website for a listing of available open class options; this listed is updated regularly. All you need to do is to message your counselor with the period and course title.
If you changed your mind about a course, you need to have your parents email your counselor with the requested change.
Students are expected to remain in selected courses for the entire term. Withdrawing from a course after the 8th class meeting will result in the student receiving a “WF” (withdrew failing) grade for each marking period as well as final grade. Please note that a “WF” along with another class failure could affect eligibility for student activities/sports.
Now over to __________ with the news
Thank you to the teachers who participated in No Shave November:
Mr. Geyer raised the most money for Mini-THON at $162 while Mr. Martin was a second place finisher at over $100.
Mr. Myers Mr. Schade Mr. Frymoyer Mr. Campbell Mr. McFarland Mr. Martin Mr. Voshell Mr. Kellogg Dr. Harding Coach Miller Senor Miller Mr. Geyer Senor Cerullo Mr. Lopicolo Mr. Bischoff Mr. Austin
The deadline for CTC applications is swiftly approaching. December 24th is the deadline for the application to be completed. You can go to the EHS Counselors Website or refer to your Schoology message for the link and instructions. If you have any questions, please see your counselor for help.
The yearbook club will be having their normal meeting today after school in Mr. Bischoff's room. Please plan on attending so we can discuss next week's deadline meeting.
LUNCH VIDEO------------------------
Professional sports? Flyers + MNF