The Death Trap of Modern Pleasure
- from Benit Kutalu
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- Columbus High School
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The human mind is a wonderful entity. It has been able to concoct ideas - ideas that have changed the world and made lives better. However, the mind is easily susceptible to distraction. Smartphones, television, social media, sweet treats, hot tubs, and concerts are just the tip of the modern-societal-pleasures iceberg. No matter how entertaining these items seem at the moment, they are the unquestionable death traps of our technologically advanced landscape.
What is meant by “death trap of modern pleasure”? Modern society gives those, mainly in advanced nations, endless options to stay occupied with mindless activities such as checking social media and watching films and television on streaming services. Now, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the gifts of modernity. However, too much of anything is never wise. Even the most healthy habits, including exercise, can have negative effects if done too often. This is not said to shame anyone for enjoying life. This is merely said to get one to think about how much entertainment they are consuming without creating anything of their own.
At this point, the modern pleasure-seeker might be asking, if not pleasure, then what? Pain? No. Anyone can experience pain. Stub your toe at this very moment. See? Not a pleasant feeling. Luckily, the world does not operate on dichotomous ends of assorted absolutes. Rather than considering pain as the only alternative to pleasure, one can give more weight to the novelties of self-discovery and fulfillment. Take some time to write a short story, or finally use the time you would have spent on YouTube or social media to learn a new skill. “I’ve always wanted to learn French,” you tell yourself. However, you use all the free time you have to watch “Ten Things Lady Gaga Does Everyday” or whatever other mindless escapism you would engage in. To quote Nike, “Just do it.” Put down the smartphone, chocolate, or whatever else is deterring you from achieving your goals.
Ultimately, escaping the “death trap of pleasure” means you take on short-term pain for long-term fulfillment. Do not live in what 20th-century philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called “bad faith.” You can do whatever you want, all you need to do is escape the death trap of modern pleasure.