artshow 1 posts COME AND SEE STROUDSBURG'S ANNUAL ART SHOW! Nicole Kolakowski, Stroudsburg Area High School Are you bored and don't have major plans on Friday or Saturday? Then come and see theĀ art show! Stroudsburg is having its 41st annual art show. Come and see some artisticĀ talent from grades Kindergarten- 12th grade featuring portraits, sculpture... Watch Now
COME AND SEE STROUDSBURG'S ANNUAL ART SHOW! Nicole Kolakowski, Stroudsburg Area High School Are you bored and don't have major plans on Friday or Saturday? Then come and see theĀ art show! Stroudsburg is having its 41st annual art show. Come and see some artisticĀ talent from grades Kindergarten- 12th grade featuring portraits, sculpture... Watch Now