Fusfoo News: May 28th
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EU Election Results
In an election that saw the largest voter turnout in years, a few trends seem clear -- European voters are turning away from tradition centre-left and centre-right parties. Rejection of the status quo seems to have held sway over a significant portion of the electorate which chose parties and politicians that better represent their values and priorities of a complicated time in Europe.
Read more here.
A hiker who was missing for almost 17 days in Maui was rescued by searchers. Amanda Eller, 35, managed to survive a fall which injured her feet by living on a diet of wild fruit, water, and amazing determination. Searchers in a helicopter finally spotted her near a waterfall by a creek bed and were able to airlift her to a hospital.
"There were times of total fear and loss and wanting to give up," she said in video posted on Facebook. "It did come down to life and death and I had to choose. I chose life – I wasn't going to take the easy way out."
Lean more here.
Death on Everest
It's been a deadly climbing season on the world's most famous peak. The death toll on Mount Everest grew to 11 after an American doctor was killed while descending from the peak.
This climbing season is the fourth deadliest on record with poor weather, inexperienced climbers and the Nepalese government granting a record number of permits issued, which has led to there being more than 800 people crowding to reach the summit.
Read more here.