SJR SleepOut
- from Ms Sullivan
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- Saint Joseph Regional High School
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Community service has always been a versatile and essential principle for students at St. Joe’s. Traditionally, students have assisted in various food or clothing drives, worked at soup kitchens, or spent time with the elderly at a nursing home. This past Wednesday, November 10th, an untraditional act of service presented itself to the SJR community. Students were given the opportunity to participate in the annual Covenant House Sleepout. In the United States alone, up to
2 million youths experience a period of homelessness, and every year over 5,000 lose their lives. A record-breaking 88 students sacrificed the heat and comfort of their own homes to sleep in cardboard boxes in solidarity for homeless teens in our region and around the nation.
This annual event at SJR has become a highlight during the month of November every year. Covenant House is an organization that was founded in
1972 in hopes of giving refuge to homeless teens trying to escape the dangers of living on the streets. They are currently the largest privately-funded charity in the Unites States, providing their services to homeless, abandoned, abused, trafficked, and exploited youth. For many homeless teens and kids, Covenant House has transformed their lives and has become a vital resource and a comforting safe haven. Along with providing food, shelter, and clothing, the organization also makes efforts to allow the youth to better themselves by pursuing an education and teaching important life skills to get their lives moving in the right direction.
Each student was asked to raise at least $228, which would bring the total to slightly over $20,0000, but because many students surpassed their individual goal, the SJR community raised a total of over $32,000. (Donations will be accepted until December 31.) Three students have even passed the $1,000 mark in their fundraising efforts. This money will go directly to the Covenant House, and will be used to pay for food, clothing, shelter, and various classes to help the youth
that are affected by homelessness get their lives back together. Director of Campus Ministry, Joseph LoGiudice commented on his first year organizing the Covenant House Sleepout: “Students have done an awesome job in participating in this event. They have contacted families, friends, and loved ones to donate. Their dedication to the cause is the driving factor behind the success of the Sleepout The students arrived at school at 9pm on Wednesday night. They enjoyed a few light snacks, then the program began. A few teens and representatives from Covenant House spoke about the cause and their experiences with the organization. The participants then shared a prayer service and reflection period. Finally, the time came to begin sleeping in the courtyard. The temperatures were well below 40 degrees, and students only had the clothes they were wearing for warmth and a cardboard box to suffice as a bed for the night. The light rain throughout the day on Wednesday made for difficult sleeping conditions, but allowed students to experience the inherent struggles of living without a home.
Senior Anthony ‘17 has participated in the Covenant House Sleepout all four years he has attended St. Joe’s said, “I have participated in the Sleepout every single year I have been here. I think it’s great that SJR consistently raises so much money for an amazing charity. It also allows students to gain a different perspective. It’s very easy to be oblivious to the struggles of other teens, and participating in the Sleepout brings awareness to the problems that people our own age face every
single day.”
This year’s Covenant House Sleepout was another resounding success. A record number of 88 students participating and raising over $30,000 for a worthwhile charity truly speaks to the dedication and commitment to service that makes SJR special.