Fighting the Common Cold
- from Shawna Traver
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- Delaware Valley High School
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I'm sick and I'm mad about it.
Its cold season up here in North-Eastern PA and already kids are keeling over. Last Friday I noticed my own cold coming in hot. But lucky for me I came up with my own surefire regimen to kick this cold in the tuchus.
- A cup of hot green tea, honey optional, at the most twice a day. I always drink it with a meal and not on an empty stomach- green tea without food has been known to cause nausea.
- A cup of Echinacea tea before bed. My favorite is Sleepytime Echinacea Complete Care.
- Zinc Tablets. The science on zinc for colds is still debated, but I find it cuts down the length of my colds.
- Halls honey or cherry cough drops. Honey is good for a very sore throat but I found it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth so I prefer the cherry.
- Carrying around my own box of tissues so the school's nasty ones done rub my nose raw.
- Carrying around a small bottle of lotion (or in my case a Dixie Cup) to rub on my nose to help it if it is chapped. If lotion is hard to come by, chap-stick works too.
- I always have a hard time sleeping with a stuffy nose, and I in no way can sleep mouth breathing (drool everywhere) so I found taking medicine helps. I normally do not like be medicated when I do not have to be, but sleep is important. Nasal Sprays, NyQuil, or Mucinex work best for me.
- Lots of rest. This one is a given but its really important. Many people do not take days off for colds, but doing this significantly cuts down their length.