TV Review: Designated Survivor
- from Peyton Harris
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- Juniata High School
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In 2016, ABC premiered a new series titled Designated Survivor. The show is based on the United States government and its plan for continuity of government. Every year, the President is required to deliver a State of the Union address to a joint-session of Congress, the Supreme Court, their Cabinet, and many other high-ranking officials. However, one member of the Cabinet is always stashed away outside Washington in case of an attack. That Cabinet secretary is called the "Designated Survivor." As you can imagine, the show kicks off with an attack at the SOTU address, and the Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, Tom Kirkman, is sworn in as President. The show immediately begins in chaos, while the following episodes portray scandal and uproar over the attack. A plot twist is immediately thrown in as Kirkman had been asked to resign as HUD Secretary that same morning.
ABC piloted the series in 2016 and aired a second season. However, it decided to cancel the series in May of 2018. Netflix has since picked up the series and promised to launch a 10-episode third season. If you are looking for something thrilling and oddly enough realistic, this show would be perfect for you. It can be found on ABC’s app or on Netflix.