Do Something. It Matters!
- from Team Fusfoo
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- Fusfoo
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2016 marked the end of perhaps the most aggressive and divisive political campaign in American history. The surprise results of the election have only furthered the sense of division and unease across the nation. Because of the past comments and actions of our nation’s new leadership, many women, minorities and LGBTQ citizens have, understandably, begun to express feelings of disempowerment and persecution. During times like these, isolation only furthers pain and worry—strength lies in numbers, and comfort, in localized unity. No matter your candidate or party, your color, country or orientation, at the end of the day we’re all human beings with feelings, friends and families. To inspire and empower, here are eight organizations you can help to make a difference today.
Meals On Wheels
Boys & Girls Club of America
Project Heal
Black Youth Project
Best Buddies
#ComeTogether #OneLove #HealHate